It’s not as simple as tapping out a bunch of “Hurray! We have what you want!” mumbo jumbo. Firstly, copywriting begins with the CONSUMER, not the SEO/marketer.
SEO is described as “The practice of designing web pages so that they rank as high as possible in search results from search engines. There’s “good” SEO and “bad” SEO. Good SEO involves making the web page clearly describe its subject, making sure it contains truly useful information, including accurate information in Meta tags, and arranging for other web sites to make links to the page. Bad SEO involves attempting to deceive people into believing the page is more relevant than it truly is by doing things like adding inaccurate Meta tags to the page.” (definition by – Appollo Internet Media)
Ok, so now we know that Good SEO involves ‘making the web page clearly describe its subject’ containing ‘useful information’. What does that mean exactly?
First of all, I love using these two fortunate recipients of my attention, “Helpful Hannas Hand-Carved Out-Houses” and “Billy Bobs Bouncing Bo Bo Balls”. Never heard of them? Neither have I. But, this is the fun part. SEO Copywriting not only has to appeal to the the search engines algorithms in order to be indexed and visible to your target market, but it absolutely MUST appeal to your target market.
When a writer can make me feel as if I am in the front row of The Daytona 500, stepped into the Twilight Zone, walked past a screaming baby, found the love of my life, or caught a bad cold, I will return to his material time and time again.
To learn SEO copywriting entails getting to know the mindset of “Helpful Hanna”, “Billy Bob”, and their potential customers. We have to step outside of ourselves and our own opinion of value that these items hold, so as to find the appeal that these items hold for the potential customers. Search engine traffic is fruitless if it there is no conversion to the suggested call-to-action. (Ex: taking that survey, signing on for your newsletter, making the purchase, etc)
In essence, your target market is the most important SEO research project in implementing SEO. Once you have researched THEM, then you can do what you do best. Optimize.
26 June 2009
Basics of SEO Copywriting
27 April 2009
The SEO Service Guide Made Simple
The Guide on the SEO architecture and how it can affect the website traffic. SEO is crucial to the amount of traffic a website gets, based on the used keywords within the first page of the website. Using keywords within the first page are directly connected to SEO and the available search results for the internet browsers.
One such application that works in tandem with the SEO is the "information architecture or IA." IA overlaps with several other factors to increase the website traffic. IA is based on the business goals, the site infrastructure, user testing, and the actions of the people involved with the website and the SEO. IA is about organizing the digital inventories so they are easily understood by every aspect involved with the searching of information on the internet.
IA's are defined as the structural design of shared information environments, the combination of organization, labeling, search, and navigation systems within websites and intranets, the art and science of shaping information products and experiences to support usability and findabilty, an emerging discipline and community practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture of digital landscape.
These four unique definitions, but they are all extremely important to understand the full role off IA. IA is a semantic structure and organization of digital inventories. IA's is designed to work with the SEO, which both are involved in every aspect of web production. While SEO is not necessarily about web design, it is a major part of the operation for web traffic.
Domains, sections, categories, pages, and media build the architectures of the website. Domains can have multi level domains connected to the main level domain. The top-level domains are referred to as TLD. Sections are organized hubs where the categories are located.
Categories are the organizational reference points for the pages and the media within the website. Pages are the web documents in the forms of different languages such as XHTML, PHP, and ASP. Media are the images, videos, documents, and sound files contained on the webpage.
Domain names are a vital asset communicating volumes to the internet users in the early stages of their internet searches for information. The domain name is what people see and remember. The domain name is the place of the website's location on the internet. The domain can create a positive statement of the website or it can be the negative reasons for lack of website traffic.
Using the domain name as the primary keyword increases the website traffic. Make the domain name easy to remember and to use when the internet users are entering the name into the internet address page.
There are sites that will let the website owner know of duplicate content within other sites that may contain the same information. This is called canalization. It is extremely helpful to create a unique website with better traffic and earning potential of the site.
Redirecting to your website is very important aspect of continued traffic to your site. Many sites fail to use that with their sites and they lose traffic to the sites and profits. This is helpful when the website moves or is relocated.
Domain registration that is for the maximum of ten years will give additional quality award from Google. This is a good thing to have for the website. The multilingual domain structure helps to generate more traffic for the website and more income from the website.
When creating the website, keep these important factors in the forefront of the planning and execution of the website. You will have better results when using the information.
03 March 2009
Need Traffic? Get SEO.
If undecided whether to use a SEO or Search Engine Optimization tool one should consider the many benefits. An SEO is the method where the user gets to bump the amounts of hits to their website by using a variety of methods which will increase traffic. Its the modern way to spread the word about your business or service. If you are considering selling products, looking to advertise a business or service offered.
Looking to clean your house of unwanted items or just need to make some extra cash? An SEO is a web site may be a good way to go. Ebay, which is a site that already garners large amounts of traffic daily, is a great way to make sure your items get seen. Your old goods may make another browser quite happy. With eBay more people will see your ad versus a newspaper or penny saver where ads can be over looked.
Perhaps you are trying to promote your small business and need that little extra to push it over the top. Using a SEO is the perfect way to grow your business. The SEO will allow more searchers to find your website at the top of their searches and your business will benefit from it as well. If you are looking to drive your business of Personal Training, youll need to find a way to bring business in. With a SEO people will find your business at the top of their search when they input you companys name. Once they see your website, youll see your business grow. It truly is that easy.
Maybe you have decided to develop your own home-based business, it is tough to initially start and get new business. Youll need to find a way to get your products out there. With the assistance of an SEO traffic to your site will grow and products with fly from your shelf. The SEO can help separate you from the competition out there and your business will rank amongst the top. This is a great way to grow your business and earn more cash.
The web has become a great tool to for all business owners and those who just like to make extra money on the side. It would be in your best interest to take advantage of the SEO as its benefits are great and the price fair many sites offer a package of keywords that can go with the initial sign up of the site.
22 February 2009
Wordpress SEO For Achieving Top Google Rankings
If you’ve been around the internet marketing scene for even a short time, you should have heard that well optimized blogs tend to achieve better, faster rankings in Google than regular sites. The question remains, how to optimize your blog for Google.
The best blogging platform out there is definitely Wordpress. It’s free, easy to install and Google loves it. Here’s how to optimize your Wordpress blog for top Google rankings:
Step1. Keyword Research
Without proper keyword research you stand with a very small chance of ranking high in just about any decent search engine. That is why, developing a list with keywords is an absolute must. The best free tool you can use is Google’s own keyword research tool.
When doing keyword research you must take into consideration the following aspects:
- Number of monthly searches
- Number of optimized sites for that keyword
Make a list with keywords that receive decent traffic - between 500 and 1000 searches a month - and have between 0 and 20.000 optimized sites for a particular keyword. To find out how many optimized sites any keyword has, just do a Google search for it but in quotes.
Step2. Customize Wordpress blog for Google SEO
First thing you need to do is login to your dashboard, go to Settings->Permalinks and change the default structure. Click on the “Custom” radio button and insert /%postname%/ in the box. What this does, is change the default structure of a post. So instead of your post link that looked your post will look like The second one is of course much better for SEO purposes.
Next thing you need to do is install the “All in one SEO pack”. Do a search for it on Google and you’ll find it. Upload it to your site’s Plugins folder and activated from the dashboard. It has helped me a lot with ranking high in Google with Wordpress blogs. For more details on what the plugin does you should read more on their site.
One last thing is required to complete this step. Make sure you go to Settings -> Writing and update the ping list so that every time you make a new post, the blogging services are notified.
Step3. Write quality content regularly
As you should know, Google loves freshly written keyword rich content. Write posts on a regular basis and use your main keywords a few times in each post. Wordpress automatically pings your site after every post, so make sure you do it regularly.
Do these steps, combined with regular SEO optimizing and your Wordpress blogs will enjoy top rankings and quality targeted traffic.
20 February 2009
SEO and Positioning your Website for Top Search Engine Rankings
SEO and positioning your website to grab top positions in search engines for targeted keywords require both good on-page and off-page optimization. On-page optimization refers to how you tweak the webpage itself, ie the meta-tags, webpage title, content, navigation sitemap, etc. It has everything to do with the web architecture. Off-page optimization is more of a technique applied beyond your website, without involving any change to your website. Let’s take a look at some important elements of SEO and positioning that would boost the ranking of your website.
First of all, we need to understand a bit more about the role of on-page optimization in SEO and positioning. In summary, on-page optimization requires you to craft the web page structure such that it is optimized for a particular keyword that you are targeting. Never build a site first before knowing what you hope to achieve, ie whether your aim is to drive maximum traffic and sell more products or just as a hobby. You need to pay attention to the keywords you are targeting first, and do detailed researches before you start building your webpage and optimizing it for the keywords. A lot of webmasters fail to realize the importance of keyword research in SEO and positioning for top search engine ranking. They often do it the other way round, targeting popular and extremely competitive keywords and keyword phrases. You may have realized that competitive keywords like “search engine optimization� or “web traffic� are simply out of reach for a new or amateurish website. SEO and positioning your website for such keywords would only bring you disappointment as you realize that even with a fully optimized page, you are still on page 1000 of the search engine results.
One hint for you is to go for any keyword phrase with less than 1 – 2 million search results and fewer than 1000 competing websites in Google. How do you check the number of competing websites? Simply type in “Allintitle: Target Keyword Phrase� into Google search box and all the websites containing the specific keyword phrase would be displayed. It is common sense that any website targeting a keyword phrase would include it in the webpage title, isn’t it? Looking at the search results alone is vague and difficult to determine the level of competition. Once you have found the keywords for optimization, remember to include them in your page title, sub-headers, and meta-tags.
Off-page optimization looks more at the popularity of your website. The search engines are constantly changing the landscape of the internet but one principle stays constant, that is to give users relevant results. Other than meddling with the on-page factors, you need to be aware of how search engines measure your website popularity and keyword relevance. One major yardstick of SEO and positioning is using link popularity. Search engine spiders are not humans and can only understand web content to a certain logical extent. A human may see a web page as rich in content but a search engine spider may deem it as spam.
The unbiased and more accurate way of judging the importance of a web page in terms of keyword relevance is to leave the decision to fellow webmasters and search engine users, or in short, votes of confidence. A link to your web page is a vote declaring that your web page is worth mentioning for that specific topic. But I must emphasize that not all links are equal. Find out why at my blog and also learn basic and advanced tips and tricks about SEO and positioning your website for top rankings either manually or using tools that would conveniently and quickly rank your website.
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